AzPA Anticoagulation Certificate Program
Gain an understanding of the clotting cascade and mechanisms of action of anticoagulant therapies, a detailed focus on factors which influence therapy and knowledge of current guidelines.

AzPA Immunization Certificate Program
An innovative and interactive educational program that provides pharmacists and student pharmacists with the skills necessary to become primary sources for vaccine advocacy, education, and administration. The two-part program reviews the basics of immunology, identifies legal and regulatory issues pharmacists must consider before starting an immunization program, and focuses on practice implementation.

AzPA Psychiatric Certificate Program
A practice-based activity designed for pharmacists in all practice settings. The intent of this training program is to provide additional training in the area of psychiatric pharmacy to enhance pharmacists’ clinical knowledge that can be applied directly to the patients they serve.

AzPA Motivational Interviewing Certificate Program
A practice-based activity designed for pharmacists and healthcare professionals in all practice settings. Through lecture and discussion, you'll explore the foundations of MI. In this one-day course, you'll learn step by step how to refine your communication style to increase positive outcomes with your patients. Through lecture, analysis, and discussion, you'll learn to use a compassionate, curious effort to elicit your patient’s own arguments for change.

APhA Delivering Medication Therapy Management Certificate Program
An innovative and interactive certificate training program that explores the pharmacist’s role in providing MTM services to patients. Pharmacists have a tremendous opportunity to receive reimbursement for monitoring and improving medication use in patients with complex medication regimens.

APhA Pharmacist and Patient-Centered Diabetes Care Certificate Program
Participants will gain experience evaluating and adjusting drug therapy regimens for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, counseling patients about lifestyle interventions, analyzing and interpreting self-monitoring of blood glucose results, and assessing the overall health status of patients to identify needed monitoring and interventions.

AzPA Pain Management Certificate Program (PMCP)
An innovative and comprehensive learning activity developed to assist pharmacists to maintain and enhance their professional competencies in pain management. Pharmacists will be able to ensure optimal medication therapy outcomes and patient safety, recommend non pharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies, provide medication management in various health care settings, develop new roles and responsibilities for a pharmacist, and obtain educational requirements for pharmacist re-licensure.

APhA Pharmacy Based Travel Health Service
An Innovative and interactive advanced competency training (ACT) program that explores the pharmacist’s role in providing travel health services to patients. This application-based activity is the first step for pharmacists interested in learning the essential skills necessary to successfully provide travel health services.

AzPA Women’s Reproductive Health
It is designed to further educate pharmacy professionals in the area of women’s reproductive health. Topics will focus on the management and care of commonly encountered female reproductive issues such as contraception, menstrual disorders, infertility and pregnancy.