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Contact Information
1845 East Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282-5831
Phone (480) 838-3385, Fax (480) 838-3557
The Arizona Pharmacy Association represents ALL pharmacy professionals in ALL practice settings. AzPA is the voice of pharmacy in Arizona, advocating for you at the state capitol. Your membership is vital to the future of the profession and our organization.
My Member Profile
If you have not already chosen a unique username, the default username is your email address on file to register for membership. You may change your username/password via your Membership Profile page.
My Account:
Change your personal contact information, and update email preferences.
• View your event registrations
• View the Volunteer Interest Form
• See Current News and Announcements
• Access to the Arizona Journal of Pharmacy
My Membership:
Renew your membership before it expires. You will be notified 60 days prior to your expiration date. Stay involved by keeping your membership current. Once it expires all your benefits will expire too.
Volunteer Committees:
• Leadership, legislative, social interactions with pharmacy leaders, and a wealth of volunteer opportunities.
• Your membership gives you access to educational programs and committees designed to help you confidently engage your elected officials.
Education & Events:
• AzPA offers dynamic annual events designed to enhance your professional skills and your resume.
• AzPA is committed in offering innovative educational opportunities for pharmacy professionals.
• Discover the variety of certificate programs we offer.
• As the unified voice of Arizona Pharmacy, AzPA represents your interests with state and federal lawmakers.
• Make sure your voice is heard in the political process. Join the AzPA Legislative Affairs Committee.
Networking & Social Events

Member Newsletter
AzPA sends out a bi-monthly member newsletter containing pertinent Arizona pharmacy news, industry updates, information on events and programs, and more!
Volunteer Committees
**AzPA Members Save Up to $100 on Certificate Programs!**
Certificate Training Programs
On-Demand Education
Give Back

The AzPA Foundation's mission is to provide resources to support the proper use and disposal of prescription medications, to provide necessary support to assist any pharmacy professional with substance use disorders, and to educate pharmacy professionals regarding substance use disorders. Donate or volunteer your time to the Foundation to help raise awareness for a healthier tomorrow!
PharmPAC is a non-partisan voluntary committee that allows AzPA members to pool their financial resources to advance pharmacy by supporting pieces of legislation and state candidates who appreciate the value of our profession. With your support we can work effectively together for the good of our profession. Lawmakers can only represent your interests if you let them know what is important to you. You can join the PAC by making a contribution of any size. Make sure your voice is heard in the political process. Join Today!
The AzPA Mentor Connection Program (MCP) was designed with the vision of building relationships, furthering professional networks, and strengthening continuous professional development on behalf of both student pharmacists/technicians (mentees) and practicing pharmacists/technicians (mentors) in Arizona.
Career Center
Looking for a new career? Check out the career center for job postings or post your resume!