“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

AzPA Mentor Connection Program (MCP) mentor & mentees will receive a pairing update the second week of October.
The AzPA Mentor Connection Program (MCP) was designed with the vision of building relationships, furthering professional networks, and strengthening continuous professional development on behalf of both student pharmacists/technicians (mentees) and practicing pharmacists/technicians (mentors) in Arizona.
- Promote personal and professional development of pharmacy students/technicians beyond curricular goals
- Provide direction, foster confidence, and instill values needed to develop professionally
- Create an engaging environment that instills renewed enthusiasm within the profession
- Cultivate long-term relationships that evolve with time and are mutually beneficial
- Promote professional meeting attendance to support professional development

Mentor Connection Program
This program was first piloted in the AzPA Health-System Academy (HSA) in 2012 as a “grass roots” effort prior to expanding throughout all AzPA Academies. The six-month pilot program consisted of 10 mentor-mentee pairs; 5 mentees each from The University of Arizona and Midwestern University Glendale Colleges of Pharmacy. The Expanded Pilot Program, which took place from October 2012 – July 2013, was managed by the AzPA Continuing Education Standing Committee. To provide consistent structure and leadership of this program, the management and maintenance of the AzPA MCP is now housed under the Mentor Connection Program Standing Committee. In order to represent all areas of pharmacy practice in Arizona, the MCP Standing Committee represents pharmacy professionals from diverse practice settings. Since its inception, the AzPA MCP has enrolled more than 350 individual participants and continues to provide the valuable resource of experience and mentorship with each new cycle. Additionally, the 2015-2016 cycle saw the first pairing of a Pharmacy Technician mentor with a mentee enrolled in a Pharmacy Technician Training program. As the program continues to grow and evolve, AzPA and the Standing Committee encourages active membership participation and feedback in an effort to give back to the profession and continuously improve the quality of the experience.