“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others..”
-John Maxwell
We are looking for the following positions:
One (1) President Elect
Term: The President-Elect shall be elected for a term of one year and shall ascend to the position of President in year 2 then Past President in year 3.
Duties: The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall serve as its Vice-Chair. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Nominating Committee. The President-Elect shall serve on the Board of Directors for the Arizona Pharmacy Foundation (APF) as the official AzPA representative.
Qualifications: Must be a pharmacist who has served on the APF, PNA or AzPA Board of Directors for at least one year.
Four (4) Directors at Large
Term: Director at Large positions shall serve a term of two (2) years.
- Technician Director at Large shall be a technician practicing in any setting who will chair the Special Interest Group and represent the interests of technicians within the association.
- Health Systems Pharmacy Director at Large shall be pharmacist practicing in health system pharmacy who will chair the Health Systems Special Interest Group, serve as chair for our ASHP State Affiliate, and represent the interests of health system pharmacy professionals within the association.
- Community Pharmacy Director at Large shall be a pharmacist practicing in the community setting who will chair the Community Pharmacy Special Interest Group and represent the interests of community pharmacy professionals within the association.
- General Director at Large shall be a pharmacist from any practice setting who will represent the interests of all association members.
Nominations must be received no later than midnight on March 5, 2023
AzPA Board of Directors 2022-2023

Past President
President Elect
DAL - Community Pharmacy
DAL - Health System Pharmacy
DAL - Technician
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Director at Large
Student Pharmacist Liaison (3)*
Schools of Pharmacy-Dean's 'Representative*
Legal Counsel*
*Non-Voting Members (Liaisons)
Who will be serving
Darren Clonts
Dawn Gerber
Kimberly Langley
Jacob Schwarz
Nancy Costlow
Kelly Fine
Phillip Ieng (Opening in 2023)
Christopher Edwards (Opening in 2023)
Melinda Browning (Opening in 2023)
Nina Vadiei (Opening in 2023)
Reasol Chino
Ryan Gries
Brandy DeChellis
Misty Brannon
Jose Espinoza (U of A)
Lyndy Abdelsayed (MWU)
Sharon Ruditser (Creighton)
Nancy Alvarez (U of A)
Michael Dietrich (MWU)
Jane Stein (Creighton)
Roger Morris