The Arizona Pharmacy Association Annual Pharmacy Convention is excited to include a poster session during the exhibit hall on Saturday, June 24, 2023 . Individuals interested in presenting a poster must submit a 300-word abstract. Abstracts must be submitted before 12-noon, Monday, May 22, 2023 via https://forms.gle/eYjWRnDdn9U4Vc257.
Please note: This submission link can't be partially completed, saved, and returned to.
300-word maximum (excluding title, authors and affiliations, contact information).
Do not include tables, figures, references, or graphs in abstract submission. Organize the abstract of research presentations as follows: Primary objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Applicability to pharmacy practice.
- Primary objective
- Methods
- Results
- Data
- Conclusion
- Applicability to pharmacy practice
To be eligible to present a poster you must be an AzPA member and be a registered attendant at the meeting. Presenting a poster is a voluntary effort and AzPA cannot pay expenses for participation. The designated representative must be available for questions during the poster session. All suitable abstracts and/or posters will be published online at www.azpharmacy.org after the meeting.
Posters may cover a variety of topics, including evaluative studies of new services, roles for pharmacists in institutional, community, managed care or ambulatory practices, descriptive reports about therapeutics (case reports), clinical research, outcomes research, or any other innovative reports (i.e. documentation of clinical services, implementation of new management or clinical programs, etc.). Please see required content below. Display board dimensions are 48” (height) x 98” (width).
Required content to be considered for the prizes is listed below. Topics that don’t conform to the required content are welcome, but won’t be eligible for judging or cash prize. Posters from other conferences (encore presentations) are welcome.
Questions? Contact Ariane Guthrie, AzPA 2023 Annual Convention Poster Contest Coordinator at ariane.guthrie1@gmail.com